📄️ Protocol
API Access
📄️ Authentication
The Streamdiver API uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization with the client credentials grant flow. It permits a web service to use its own credentials and is commonly used in server-to-server interactions, with no user involved in the authentication. The required clientId and clientSecret are shared during initial tenant creation and must be kept safe.
📄️ Upload
The Streamdiver API works with an S3-compatible object storage hosted on GDPR-compliant infrastructure. For API uploads, either an S3 multipart or a PUT request procedure can be chosen. For files larger than approximately 5GB, we recommend the multipart procedure as a scalable and performant way to transfer them. We provide an endpoint and associated credentials that can be used with an S3 client of your choice. For smaller files, such as most audio or image assets, the PUT request upload is a reliable and easy-to-implement approach without the complexity of integrating an S3 client into your application.
📄️ File import
The Streamdiver API enables importing files from several publicly available sources using: